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10/3/2008-- On September 30, 2008, the President signed the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Extension for Elderly and Disabled Refugees Act which provides an additional two years of SSI for Elderly and disabled refugees who have been cut off because of the seven year time limit. Refugee and humanitarian immigrants whose SSI was cut off due to the seven year time limit should contact the Social Security Administration (SSA) immediately to apply for the extension (please see attached FAQ with additional information and details on qualification).

The law is effective starting today, October 1, 2008. This two year extension of SSI for refugees and humanitarian immigrants is set to expire in 2011 under provisions in
H.R. 2608.

For many elderly and disabled refugees and other humanitarian immigrants, including Hmong and Montagnards who fought honorably alongside American soldiers in times of war, SSI provides the very basic means for survival. The SSI program pays minimal monthly benefits to elderly and disabled adults and children who are low income and have limited resources to maintain self sufficiency.

"This extension is a positive step to ensuring that elderly and disabled refugees are not thrown into destitution, due in large part, to the barriers that they experience in attaining their citizenship and ultimately losing their SSI after seven years," states Doua Thor, Executive Director of Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC).

SEARAC commends the advocacy efforts of numerous national advocacy organizations, local community partners and congressional offices, including sponsors, Senators Smith (R-OR) Senator Kohl (D-WI), Congressmen McDermott (D-WA) and Congressman Weller (R-IL) as well as their staff in leading this cause.
