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1/31/2011 (Houston, Texas)-- An “exclusive live broadcast” on ITV International Television station 55.5 of the Lunar New Year celebrations in Mainland China will be aired on Tuesday, February 2nd at 6:00 a.m. (to be repeated at 8:00 p.m.).

This historic broadcast on ITV International Television 55.5 is even more exciting because now this colorful presentation can be viewed over the internet and personal cell phones as well to an even larger worldwide audience!

Southern News Group located in southwest Houston first introduced digital television station 55.5, ITV International Television, 16 months ago to the Houston market. In this short time, ITV International Television has grown to the point where it now serves more than 50,000 families in the greater Houston area.

Southern News Group’s ITV International Television 55.5 recently announced its latest technological achievement of global coverage of its 24-hour programming on the Internet.   
