Houston Community News >> U.S. Gets Lesson in Chinese Pragmatism
3/2/2007-- Having caught up
with the world's leading economies in such a short space of time, China is
reluctant to make structural reforms that are likely to destabilize its progress
- as US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is about to find out.
Mr Paulson is set to renew his campaign for China to revalue the yuan in a visit
to Shanghai scheduled for later this month.
Good luck to him. China is unlikely to budge as the government in Beijing prizes
stability above all else. Any significant appreciation in the yuan would mean a
slowdown in exports and in China's capacity to create jobs for the 10 million
Chinese entering the labor market annually.
This obsession with stability - which is understandable given China's turbulent
recent history under Mao - came through loud and clear during a three-hour
lecture (with time for interpretation thrown in) by the formidable Liu Meixun,
director of the Research Institute of Economics at Beijing's Tsinghua
At a seminar for selected western guests from three British companies doing
business in China - B&Q, AstraZeneca and the architecture firm Benoy - she
pointedly drew the contrast between China's successful reform with Russia's
disastrous experience.
In an overview of China's reform program dating back to 1978, Professor Liu, who
brooked no interruptions as she rattled off a blizzard of statistics to show
China's remarkable economic progress, said Russia had courted chaos by opting
for shock therapy, whereas China under Deng Xiaoping had gone for "progressive
Among the more telling figures Professor Liu, who has taught at Tsinghua for 50
years, came up with was this: it took the Russian economy until last year to get
back to the $US1 trillion ($1.3 trillion) gross domestic product it had reached
in 1990 (by contrast China's GDP is $US2.6 trillion, the world's fourth-largest
Signs of China's boom are all too apparent: the six-lane motorway from the
airport to Beijing which was once a semi-derelict road; the new 20-storey tower
blocks on either side of the road; and the proliferation of cars since the
appearance of the first private car in Beijing in the 1980s (belonging to one of
Professor Liu's colleagues).
But while Professor Liu lavishes praise on Deng for his pragmatic approach -
"feel the stones while crossing the river" — she acknowledges that China's
breakneck development that has lifted 400 million people out of poverty has
created "obvious contradictions".
There is the growing gap between urban and rural, between regions, corruption
has flourished and there has been massive wastage of energy and resources. The
analysis is very much along the lines of Will Hutton's new book, The Writing on
the Wall.
But whereas Hutton argues China needs to become more pluralistic and develop
what he calls "enlightenment values" such as accountability, the rule of law and
freedom of the press, Professor Liu hews close to the party line.
Asked whether she means that the Communist Party should give up power when she
talks about the need for China to become democratic, she avoids a direct answer.
"Whether the party can rule or adopt pluralism depends on the conditions of the
country," she replies. "The party might not rule for ever, it depends on whether
the Communist Party truly represents the people."
Again Professor Liu returns to Russia, recalling her reaction to the overnight
disintegration of the Soviet Communist party. "It was a sad fact that the party
disintegrated after 70 years and no one stood up to support it. I was very
When Mr Paulson comes to China he will be up against party officials who think
very much along the same lines and who will resist any action that they think
will endanger China's stability.
It will be a clash of cultures between America's quick-fix approach and China's
deliberate and pragmatic way of doing things. As Professor Liu pointedly noted,
China took 20 years over its price reforms. It will take its own sweet time over
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