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Christmas 50 Years Ago vs. Christmas Today

The 21st Century Christmas is nothing like it was 50 years ago. Today, Christmas has lost its true meaning. People spend endless amount of hours shopping for that one special gift with one purpose in mind. Giving and receiving gifts have lost their sentimental value and Christmas has become one big retailer's party.

The traditional Christmas season fifty years ago was more spiritual than commercial. People actually cared about "Good Will" and gave of their time instead of their pocket book. Kindness meant something more and people were not afraid of offending one another. The Christmas season fifty years ago turned the World into a happier place.

It was a tradition to shop for your Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving as a family. Dad would head-up the outing with an axe in one hand to chop down the tree, and ties in the other to secure it on the car. Mom would make a thermos full of hot coco and make sure all of us were bundled up warm. The day was spent singing Christmas chorals and hunting for that special tree. At home, we decorated the tree with popcorn garland, home-made ceramic ornaments, and lights. The time together made us all warm and fuzzy inside.

In the days that followed, our parents would tell us stories of the true meaning of Christmas. Our focus was taken off of receiving gifts and placed on giving to other and putting them before ourselves.

Today, instead of a family outing the day after Thanksgiving for a tree, we now spend it in lines that go on for ever at ungodly hours of the morning just to get the best deal. Even Saint Nick is nothing more to our children then a man in a red suit.

I submit to you that we need to put a little bit of Ozzie & Harriet and Normal Rockwell back into our Christmas season. Don't let the stress of day-to-day life distract you from the magic of the season, and take the time to add some magic and goodwill of your own.

And remember, as much as (and I say this as a representative of a toy store!) we love your business, Christmas isn't about shopping. It's about family, and friends. It's about people. It's about all of us, together.

And for those of you who don't celebrate Christmas, you're still part of the family -- we're all here together on this earth. May everyone have a happy, healthy and safe holiday season.

About the Author:

Alex consults for a toy model shop which offers pedal cars and very cool and realistic model cars. Alex is a car lover.