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Counting from 0 to 10 in Thai
Counting in Thai is really simple. All you have to do is to remember the basic
numbers from 0 to 10. It's just like counting in Chinese or Japanese. Do spend
some time memorizing the basic numbers in Thai, it is worth it.
0 - suun
1 - nung
2 - soong
3 - saam
4 - sii
5 - haa
6 - hok
7 - jet
8 - bpeet
9 - gaao
10 - sip
How to count above 10 in Thai...
To count above 10, simply add how many sip (10) and the next corresponding
number. Since sip itself is already 10, you can just omit the nung (sip-et
instead of nung sip-et).
For example, 11 would be sip-et, 12 would be sip soong and 15 would be sip haa.
Notice that 11 is sip-et instead of sip-nung. This is the only exception to
counting in Thai.
11 - sip-et
12 - sip soong
13 - sip saam
20 - yii sip
21 - yii sip et
25 - yii sip haa
30 - saamsip
31 - saamsip et
36 - saamsiphok
40 - sii sip
49 - sii sipgaoo
50 - haa-sip
60 - hok-sip
70 - jet-sip
80 - bpeet-sip
90 - gaao-sip
To count in 100, simply add how many rooi after the number. For example, 100
would be nung rooi and 111 would be nung rooi, sip-et. 999 would be gaao rooi,
gaao-sip, gaao.
To count in 1000, you would add pan after the number. For example, 2000 would be
soongpan. Similary, 2345 would be soonpan, saam rooi, sip sii, haa. 5987 would
be haa pan, gaao rooi, bpeet-sip, jet. Simple, right?
About the Author
RippaSama is a passionate Thai language lover who just can't stop learning Thai when he is on fire. If you want to read and learn more about his Thai language lessons and tips, you can visit (