Houston Community News >> Girl Dies After Falling on Chopsticks
6/7/2007 Taiwan (UPI)- A
5-year-old girl in Taiwan has died of injuries suffered by falling on a pair of
chopsticks that punctured her throat and brain, it was reported Wednesday.
The Taipei Times said Wednesday the Taipei County girl was carrying the eating
utensils when she fell while running around April 31. Despite receiving medical
treatment for several days at a local hospital, the girl ultimately died, the
newspaper said.
An official from the Far Eastern Memorial Hospital said such mealtime accidents
are not that uncommon and called on parents to limit children's activities
during that time.
"Although this case is unusual, parents should not allow their children to play
at mealtimes. There are many risk factors, including choking, when kids are not
concentrating on their food," Edward Tsai told the Times. "Accidents happen, but
they are also often preventable."
(Contributed by UPI.com)