Houston Community News >> 2008 JCCAA Scholarship and Banquet Night

6/8/2008 Houston-- We are very glad to announce a new event, Health Forum,adding to JCCAA 2008's Annual Banquet & Scholarship Night. The event is scheduled on June 21 & 28.

Following is the information.
Mother/Daughter- Day of Health
Date: Saturday, June 21, 2008
Time: 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
Place:The John P. McGovern Museum of Health and Medical Science
1515 Hermann Dr. Houston, Texas 77004
Fee: Registration fee $5 per person,
add $3 for round trip transportation(optional)
Registration Dead line: Sunday , June 8, 2008
For more details, please see the JCCAA_0621_Flyer.

Health & Wellness-Wisdom for Life
Date: Saturday, June 28, 2008
Time: 1:15 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.

Program A:
1. Incredible Body and Its Functioning:
Dr. Min Shern Liu
2. When Aging Comes to You-The Miracles of Alternative Medicine:
Mr. Rolland Mu
3.New Medical Science:
Stem Cell-Making it Possible to Return to Youth or Live Forever:
Dr. James Chuong

Program B:
1.Healing with Pressure Point- What They Really Are:
Dr. Marco Lee
2.Holistic Medicine:
Professor Hung Hsiang Hsu

Program C:
1.US Social Security System:
Mr. Andrew Hardwick
2.Medicare A. B. C.D.-Myths, Tracks and Facts
Ms. Carla Vigilante
3.Vital Links and Resources for Care Givers and Seniors:
Ms. Adele GorodyFor More Details,

please see the JCCAA_0628_Flyer.
Please use the registration form to make a reservation.
Or check JCCAA web site http://www.jccaa.net The seats are limited.

Right after the Health & Wellness seminar is
the JCCAA 2008 Annual Banquet & Scholarship Night.
Your attendance is meaningful for JCCAA and our community.