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Ultimate Skin Care Tips
Before I give you my tips for the best wrinkle cream, I need you to
be in the right frame of mind to get the most out of this article.
Whether you're a man or woman, as I start to type this article I
want it to serve one purpose. I want it to give you an "ah ha"
moment for skin care. A moment where your mind lights-up like the
sky on fourth of July.
So where ever you happen to be while reading this, if you can pull
up a chair and give me your full attention while we "talk" - I think
you will experience your "ah ha" moment.
Over the past six months, I have spent hours and hours studying how
to improve your skin and get rid of wrinkles. I have had a passion
for uncovering the truth about reversing aging skin. Reading every
article and news story on the topic that I could get my hands on. I
carefully read each ingredient on the labels of anti aging skin care
products. And felt the texture and smells of several anti wrinkle
creams. During my intensive bootcamp for skin care I came to realize
3 valuable tips which I am going to share with you today.
If you apply these tips, not only will I instantly transfer my six
months of knowledge to you - but you will be in a position of
strength. Free from wasting money on worthless wrinkle cream
products. And no longer left holding fancy packages with big
promises that suck you in and then send you right back where you
came from.
Tip #1 - Has Cutting Edge Ingredients
Times have changed but unfortunately some ingredients in products
haven't. The days of rubbing creams and lotions into your skin that
clog your pores are long gone.
A top notch wrinkle cream will contain gentle but powerful
ingredients from all ends of the earth. Ingredients like kelp from
the red sea of Japan. In fact, Japanese kelp has some of the most
amazing properties for stimulating your facial skin. Another exotic
and useful ingredient that I discovered is CynergyTK which contains
natural ingredients from one of the cleanest and purest places on
the planet.
Tip #2 - Has The "Right" Mixture
Let's pretend I handed you two bottles of wrinkle cream. Each made
by different companies. After reading the ingredients on the
packages, you discover they both have the exact same ingredients. If
I asked you which one was better, how would you answer?
The answer is - you wouldn't know which is the best. Why? Because
not only does the quality of ingredients play a huge role but so
does the quantity of the ingredients. See each product could list
the exact same ingredients but if one contains just a tiny amount of
the most important ingredient, it will not be as effective as the
other one.
Now you may be wondering, why would a company cheat you out of
mixing the right amount of high quality ingredients?
I am not going to bore you with a business lesson but often times
companies spend so much on marketing, pretty packaging, celebrity
endorsements, etc. by the time they get to manufacturing the product
- the bean counters tell them there is not enough money to invest in
high quality ingredients and make a profit. So as a solution, they
reduce the expensive ingredients and hand you a pretty package
Tip #3 - You Get A Guarantee
Since there are many skin types at various stages of the aging
process, no skin care formula can promise to fix every individuals
skin in every situation. It's just not possible. As an extreme
example, my 95 year old grandma is not going to get a miracle cure
and suddenly have skin like a baby with any product in the world. It
just ain't gonna happen. A reputable company will give you a
guarantee. One that says if you don't like it or it doesn't do what
you expected - send it back for a refund. No Risk. No problem.
What type of company would do that unless they knew their product
was great?
Like my late grandfather used to say, "put your money where your
mouth is". When a company offers a no questions asked guarantee,
that is exactly what they are doing!
About the Author:
What's your next step? Now that I have handed you the keys to
discovering the best wrinkle cream, cut to the front of the line and
Click Here to see the
Best Wrinkle Cream that I recommend. Tyler Treskin is a health
enthusiast and enjoys sharing his experience and research with
others on the internet. Be sure to visit his site for additional
information on this important anti aging skin care topic