Chinese Culture >> Asian Articles >> Asian Decor
by: Damien Pfirsch
The recent surge in popularity of Asian decor can be partly attributed to its look of serenity: it graces spaces with a peaceful, natural feel, serving as an antidote to stress. Asian decor design elements are characterized by clean lines and simple forms. The effect is subtle yet dramatic, and creates a tranquil ambience.
Indeed, the essence of Asian decor is in its simplicity. The "less is more" philosophy con also be applied to Asian decor accessories, when carefully selected and placed within a designated space.
Furthermore, Asian decor harmonizes particularly well with contemporary styled
interiors. Typically, the furniture is low and formed using clean straight
lines; while Asian decor accents are often dramatic and add a unique and elegant
touch to any modern interior.
Finally, the current shift away from against mass-produce looks and a desire for more unique, artist-inspired pieces explains the increasing appeal of Asian décor. With a few well-selected Asian décor accents, we can confer a singular and authentic feel upon any room.
The End of Zen Decor?
A decade ago, the most successful Asian decor style in the West was modern Japanese design - commonly referred to as Zen design. Zen design uses very clean lines and geometrical figures to project a sense of minimalism dominated by black, grey and white colors.
But recently, homeowners began turning away from the rigorous rules governing Zen décor, which are often regarded as too strict and requiring drastic changes to existing décor schemes.
The new Asian decor style is more relaxed and informal. It also facilitates more room to be creative, a reality that has seduced numerous interior designers and decor aficionados. It is certainly far easier to add elegant Asian-styled flourishes to a room, with a few artistic décor accents or furniture items. Furthermore, with bright colors and unique forms, new Asian décor accents project a warmer look and feel than their Zen counterparts.
Incorporating Asian Decor Accents
Asian decor accents and contemporary art creations, by artists and craft masters from Thailand and surrounding nations, are captivating art and décor fans around the world.
Interior designers and consumers alike are increasingly
open to experimenting with different design elements and textures; and to
blending contemporary Asian-inspired decor creations with Western design
elements to create a unique, personalized look and feel.
This new trend, sometimes referred as "fusion", offers endless possibilities. A carefully selected modern Asian décor creation can complement an already exciting room design in a subtle way, or as a bold and visually impressive centerpiece. Either way, this fusion of modern Asian decor elements with other modern features is easily accomplished and provides an opportunity to create a truly unique and distinctive home environment.
Another interesting point about fusing Eastern with Western decor is the freedom this ethos gives people to personalized their spaces. It's surely more desirable than being restricted by a set of rules regarding minimal color combinations, shape, balance, and the need to leave lots of empty space. After all, this design evolution increases the options for homeowners or designers to follow their personal inspirations. Everyone is free to play with colors, materials. And shapes to create artful atmospheres that feature a distinctive Asian décor flair.
About the Author:
Damien Pfirsch is the founder of, an online showroom presenting the latest home
decor accents and furniture created by Asian designers. Based in Bangkok,
Thailand, the website promotes Asian decor exporters to international buyers
looking for unique accents to complement their collections.