Austin April 28 Events

Austin Friday, April 28 Events

Spirit Echoes Fine Art Festival
More than 100 artists exhibiting paintings, prints, sculpture, ceramics, blown glass, woven & marbled wearable art, 14k gold and sterling silver contemporary and Native American jewelry, woodwork, and more. Live music, food, libations, re-enactments of pioneer life and tours of pioneer homes filled with antiques. At Henkel Square- Round Top, TX. Call 512-345-0706 for more information.

Don Giovanni
He’s an incorrigible ladies man; handsome, charming, with a catalog of conquests that already numbers 2,065, and he’s intent on adding more. But this story of Don Juan includes a darker side of a man with a hair-trigger temper whose conquests come to a fiery finale when he contemptuously invites death itself to join him for an opulent feast. For many music-lovers, it’s quite simple: Don Giovanni is the greatest opera ever written. At Bass Concert Hall. Call 512-472-5992 for more details.

ATX Fest
ATX Fest will take place at Paggi House, located on South Lamar just south of Riverside Drive, tucked away in an enclave of trees and terraces. For one weekend in April, it will be transformed into live music destination, as nineteen bands from across the United States, dozens of artists and vendors, and hundreds of music fans will experience the first year of ATX Fest. At The Paggi House. Visit for more info.

Blowin' Up A Spot! Film Festival
Festival exhibits films that are made by women directors; with a special emphasis on showcasing women of Latin, African, African American & Asian decent. The purpose of this event is to increase the awareness of women's films and literature by showcasing women of various ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. At George Washington Carver Museum. Call 512-693-0794 for more information.

FedEx Kinko’s Classic
The Champions Tour returns to Austin again this year for a 54-hole individual stroke play golf tournament. The tournament will be played on The Hills, Jack Nicklaus signature golf course that opened in 1981. At The Hills Country Club. Visit for more info.

Bat Watching
The 1.5 million Mexican free-tailed bats that live beneath the Congress Avenue Bridge take flight in a mass exodus each night at dusk. Located at Congress Ave. & Cesar Chavez St. Austin, TX 78704.

The Exonerated
This gripping new drama tells the true stories of six Death Row inmates wrongly convicted of murder who, in the face of new evidence, were freed with their innocence proclaimed and their lives reclaimed. Taken from over 40 interviews with persons falling through the cracks of our justice system, their unforgettable stories are told in their own words. Location: Zachary Scott Theatre. Call 512-476-0541 for more info.

Shear Madness. The longest-running comedy in ZACH's history returns in an all-new production! It's murder among the curlers in this hilarious whodunit where you play armchair detective, uncover the secrets, and help an outrageous cast of characters solve the crime amidst a trendy Austin hair salon. Location: Zachary Scott Theater
Call 512-476-0541.

The Vietnam Experience. The Vietnam Experience is strongly interpreted in this selection of 22 paintings, watercolors, and drawings by six combat artists.
These paintings and drawings give a visual sense of the Vietnam War, from the colors and landscape to the people and the adrenaline-charged combat actions. The paintings capture the surprise attacks of the guerilla conflict, the vigil River Patrol Boats maintained in keeping rivers open, and eyewitness accounts of the dangers of this war. Location: Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum. Call 512-721-0200 for details.

New Botanicals Exhibit. Mary Welborn's New Botanicals is an exhibit of lyrical watercolor paintings of native flora and the role they play in our complex ecosystems. It is on display from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays and noon to 5:30 p.m. Sundays in the McDermott Learning Center. These paintings are a charming and educational twist on traditional botanical painting

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