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Austin Sunday, April 12 Events
The Heidi Chronicles. Wendy Wasserstein's hit comedy traces the coming of age of Heidi Holland, a successful art historian, as she and her friends chart their path for personal fulfillment in the tumultuous '60s, through the isolated '80s, but their journey is timeless. Bitingly funny, it is a touching look at the progress of a generation assuming adulthood--a revolutionary time in which the status of American women underwent profound, unsettling, yet decisive change. Location: City Theatre Austin. Event ID: 4/19
Sculpture Society Exhibit Debuts at Wildflower Center. The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center debuts nature-inspired sculptures by Texas artists in its gardens. The exhibit contains 38 sculptures in ceramic, copper, wood and other media by members of the Texas Society of Sculptors. The sculptures range from fanciful peacocks and female sirens to realistic images of a horned toad, human faces and other subjects. Event ID: 5/31
Bat Watching
The 1.5 million Mexican free-tailed bats that live beneath the Congress Avenue
Bridge take flight in a mass exodus each night at dusk. Located at Congress Ave.
& Cesar Chavez St. Austin, TX 78704.