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Austin Sunday, October 10 Events
Water Garden Gem's Fall Festival. Fall Festival: Marion, Texas. If you would like to see some stunning aquatic life, please join us for the 18th Annual Texas Koi and Fancy Goldfish Show and the AGA National Goldfish Show on the grounds of Water Garden Gems. There will be free educational seminars, beautiful arts and crafts on display, live Texas music, and good food & fun for the whole family. Event ID: 10/10
Austin City Limits Music Festival. Location: Zilker Park, 2100 Barton Springs Rd. Event ID: 10/10
Jaston Williams' “Cowboy Noises” Critically acclaimed co-author and co-star of the hit "Tuna" comedies, Jaston Williams is at it again! After voyaging east to adopt a 7-year old boy, Williams in his latest solo effort, “Cowboy Noises.” offers a journey through time, space and memory. It's laughter, tears and outrage anew from the "Tuna" star. Location: The Long Center for the Performing Arts. Event ID: 10/17
Bat Watching
The 1.5 million Mexican free-tailed bats that live beneath the Congress Avenue
Bridge take flight in a mass exodus each night at dusk. Located at Congress Ave.
& Cesar Chavez St. Austin, TX 78704.