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Austin Friday, October 15 Events
2010 Lake Travis In-the-Water Boat Show. Event ID: 10/17
Jaston Williams' “Cowboy Noises” Critically acclaimed co-author and co-star of the hit "Tuna" comedies, Jaston Williams is at it again! After voyaging east to adopt a 7-year old boy, Williams in his latest solo effort, “Cowboy Noises.” offers a journey through time, space and memory. It's laughter, tears and outrage anew from the "Tuna" star. Location: The Long Center for the Performing Arts. Event ID: 10/17
Bat Watching
The 1.5 million Mexican free-tailed bats that live beneath the Congress Avenue
Bridge take flight in a mass exodus each night at dusk. Located at Congress Ave.
& Cesar Chavez St. Austin, TX 78704.