Austin September 20 Event

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Austin Sunday, September 20 Events

Austin Museum Day at the Blanton. Discover the Latin American artist Francisco Matto through hands-on gallery activities, art making, Story Time tours and more at this special event for families. Free and open to the public. Location: Blanton Museum of Art, MLK and Congress Ave..

Rabbit Hole. Don’t miss the 2007 Pulitzer Prize-winning play about loss, heartbreak and forgiveness. Location: The City Theatre. Event ID: 10/4

Flying Theater Machine: Wonderland. Adventure and excitement await you in this magical, interactive theater wonderland.  Shows are great for the entire family, especially 4-10 year olds. Location: The Hideout Theater. Event ID: 10/25

Peter and the Wolf. Join as the youngest members of our audience help Peter and his animal friends triumph over the danger in his own backyard.  Recommended for ages 2-8. Location: AustinVentures StudioTheater. Event ID: 9/20

I've Never Been So Happy. Location: The Off Center. Event ID: 9/20

Bat Watching
The 1.5 million Mexican free-tailed bats that live beneath the Congress Avenue Bridge take flight in a mass exodus each night at dusk. Located at Congress Ave. & Cesar Chavez St. Austin, TX 78704.

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