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Austin Monday, September 28 Events
Nunscense. Nunsense is about five of 19 surviving “Little Sisters of Hoboken,” a one-time missionary order that ran a leper colony on an island south of France, who discover that their cook, Sister Julia, Child of God, accidentally killed the other fifty-two residents of the convent with her tainted vichyssoise while they were off playing bingo with a group of Maryknolls. Upon discovering the disaster, Mother Superior had a vision in which she was told to start a greeting card company to raise funds for the burials. Location: TexARTS, Lakeway. Event ID: 10/11
Fantastic Fest. The eight-day film festival features a range of genres including Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy and more. Thirty-two feature films and 15 shorts will be shown. Location: Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar and various venue. Event ID: 10/1
Rabbit Hole. Don’t miss the 2007 Pulitzer Prize-winning play about loss, heartbreak and forgiveness. Location: The City Theatre. Event ID: 10/4
Flying Theater Machine: Wonderland. Adventure and excitement await you in this magical, interactive theater wonderland. Shows are great for the entire family, especially 4-10 year olds. Location: The Hideout Theater. Event ID: 10/25
Bat Watching
The 1.5 million Mexican free-tailed bats that live beneath the Congress Avenue
Bridge take flight in a mass exodus each night at dusk. Located at Congress Ave.
& Cesar Chavez St. Austin, TX 78704.