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Austin Wednesday, September 20 Events
Luca Cambiaso
Luca Cambiaso is known as the first great "modern" artist in Genoa. His works
inspired innovation and influence throughout Italy in the early 18th century.
This is the first exhibition of Cambiaso's work in 50 years and the first
presentation ever outside of Italy’s coastal Liguria area. Location: Blanton
Museum of Art. Call 512-471-7324 for more details. Event ID: 1/14/07
Black and White and Read All Over: Austin Chronicle Photographers
Celebrate 25 Years
Join The Austin Chronicle as they celebrate 25 years. In celebration of their
anniversary and in salute to Austin, the Chronicle will host a photography
exhibit BLACK AND WHITE AND READ ALL OVER: Austin Chronicle Photographers
Celebrate 25 Years spotlighting photographs that have run in the weekly over the
past 2 1/2 decades. Location: Austin Museum of Art: Downtown. Call 512-495-9224
for more info. Event ID: 9/24
Power to the People: The Electrification of Rural Texas
Walk into a world before television, computers, the i-pod, even refrigerators
and running water. The exhibit, Power to the People: The Electrification of
Rural Texas, is a unique story of one of the most dramatic events in Texas
history. Rural Texas in the 1930s was still in the dark as electric lines hadn’t
penetrated the beautiful, but rugged Texas Hill Country. Location: LBJ Library
and Museum. Open Daily 9-5 (except Christmas) Free Admission. id:5.2.07
Big Bugs
David Rogers’ Big Bugs exhibit includes eight enormous sculptures of insects—a
1,200-pound praying mantis, a 7-foot assassin bug and the biggest spider you
will ever see. Location: Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. Call 512-292-4200
for more info.
Bat Watching
The 1.5 million Mexican free-tailed bats that live beneath the Congress Avenue
Bridge take flight in a mass exodus each night at dusk. Located at Congress Ave.
& Cesar Chavez St. Austin, TX 78704.