Chinese Culture >> Travel Reviews >> Chinatown Mauritius
A regional quarter of the past adversities pulled people together, to fight for
survival and progress of their kinsmen. "You can find anything at the Royal Road
of Chinatown," goes the saying, generally accepted with much skepticism and some
degree of disbelief. However, neighborhood is distinctively recognizable by
numerous tiny shops agglomerated side-by-side, all selling identical items
obviously, as they all sell all products. Second hand and used spare parts,
plastic toys, Chinese paintings, clothes, books and medicines may be found in
the same shop.
In the suffocating heat of Port Louis, one can only stand in awe at the contrast
between the activity and life animating the Chinatown and the stillness of the
place after working hours in the late afternoon and the evening when cats and
dogs seem to be the only passers-by. As you walk along down Royal Road, you will
encounter the various hardware stores. Though many have expanded and modernized,
a small number of stores still sell tin wares, lamps, ropes and cooking
utensils, which are now considered luxury items of a bygone time.
Even today, the eldest inhabitants of the Port Louis Chinatown have kept a deep
Chinese accent making their speeches almost incomprehensible. Impatient and
always in a hurry, the elder Chinese people seem never to have the time to stop
and discuss, saying that they have no time for idle talk and they are there to
do business only. What also characterize the Chinatown are undeniably the heat,
dust and the strong smell oozing from the ingredients and spices, proper to
Chinese cuisine, giving the real impression of being in
China. Nose stinging
spices, dried mushrooms, nuts, grains; some even say, "Everything you need to
prepare Chinese cuisine can be obtained in Chinatown, provided you knock on thy
right doors."
Indeed one of the major cultural characteristics of a neighborhood such as
Chinatown is undeniably its food. The Lai Min Restaurant, Chinatown Restaurant,
Furama Restaurant, Kwang Chow Restaurant, Singapora Restaurant and some of the
eating-places which propose Chinese cuisine. Food is one of the main interests
of the neighborhood. "You won't walk 50m without passing by two or three snacks
which propose 'hakienns', wax cakes, 'gato zinli' or 'gato cravate' and among
others," points out a tourist, visibly amused by the movement of the small
Customs and habits
However, Chinatown without its traditional festivals is unimaginable, the best
known among which is most probably the Chinese New Year. It is an occasion for
old and young to gather around the same table and welcome the New Year. Every
Chinese believes that it is auspicious to begin the New Year well in order to
gain health, wealth and happiness. At the same time of prayer on the first day
of the year, Chinatown and the shopping centers are unusually quiet. In the
place of the noise and the bustle, one only hears the sound of silences. The
heart of the City has stopped beating. Chinese pavements as well as entrances to
Chinese houses are canopied red with exploded firecrackers.
How did all start? The first Chinese immigrants landed in Mauritius in the
1820's from the province of Kwang Tong in the South Eastern region of China, and
were followed by the Hakkas, originating from the region of Honan in central
China. A large number converted to Christianity and despite the impact of the
European cultural influence, most of the Chinese, particularly those of the
older generation, are still attached to their ancestral customs, traditions and
Towards the end of the 19th century when Chinese immigrants reached a peak, the
Asiatic culture was at its height. Since then, the country witnessed intensive
cultural activities. Profound changes have taken place affecting the Chinese
community for better and for worse. Indeed the Chinese food and eating habits,
some traditional festivals like the Chinese New Year, moon festival and the
dragon boat festival are some of the many remnants of the Chinese past.
The younger generation has been strongly influenced by the western way of life.
Indeed we can consider that the Chinese have become as westernized as the most
western-oriented communities on the island. However, much effort is being
invested by the older generation to come back to the values of the first Chinese
immigrants, attached to the harmony and peace with the nature and people.
About the Author
About the author: André Lee is the Internet Marketing consultant, Advisors to Tour Operators and Ticketing Agents. More of his articles are available at