News >> Nintendo Wii >> Analysis of the Nintendo Wii
Wii Launch Date: 11.6.2006
The Nintendo Wii will probably be one of the most popular gaming systems this year, as many Nintendo fans eagerly await its arrival. This system will inarguably be the best gaming platform yet. It is also extremely likely that it will be superior to even future generations, and it is possible that the Nintendo Wii will not become obsolete for over 50 years
of the most unique features of the new Nintendo platform is its new controller.
The Wii Remote can be used in a 3-D environment for new actions such as
pointing, brushing, and swinging. The controller also has a rumble feature as
well as a speaker system.
Just like the Xbox 360, the Nintendo Wii is reverse compatible, but the Nintendo Wii can play games from many other systems, including the NES, SNES, and the Nintendo 64. The Nintendo Wii also has a new feature known as WiiConnect24 that allows the user to remain on the internet during standby. Many great games are expected to be released with the Nintendo Wii as well, including the new Legend of Zelda game and other famous Nintendo games.
There is already a number of sites dedicated to the Nintendo Wii, including Wii Forums. Here gamers discuss the new games associated with the platform as well as the system's revolutionary features, hence the project name Revolution. There are also a lot of new rumors that have sprung out for both the platform and the games.
When the Nintendo Wii is finally released, these websites will be filled with
crowds of
gamers. Even with the later arrival of the Playstation 3, the Nintendo Wii will
prove to be far superior in design, quality and entertainment. With all the
newest implementations, the Nintendo Wii will surely be in every gamer's
About the Author:
Tyler Picheli is an avid gamer attending his third year of college in Detroit. He owns every Nintendo system and a number of games for each system.