Houston Saturday, April 15 Events
Dr. Seuss's Gertrude McFuzz. Combining jazz, pop and classical styles, composer Robert Kapilow (Green Eggs and Ham) brings the classic Dr. Seuss tale to life. 10am and 11:30am. At the Houston Symphony, Jones Hall, 615 Louisiana. Call 713-224-7575 for more info.
Bizet Carmen performed by the Houston Grand Opera. Sultry and bewitching, the Gypsy Carmen seduces the soldier Don Jose- but when she leaves him for the handsome bullfighter Esamillo, the soldier's passion turns deadly. April 15-May 6 at the Wortham Theater Center. Call 713-228-6737 for tickets.
Dinosaurs Exhibition. Houston Museum of Natural Sciences. Ancient fossils, new discoveries, come and view an evolution revolution. Call 713-639-4629 for tickets.
Tansu presents Paper Planes by Kevin Box. At Tansu, 321-B West 19th Street. Bronze sculptures that celebrate the unfolding of paper, consciousness, and the spiritual planes. Box marries paper and metal to create bronze sculptures with origami influences for a contemporary fusion of both mediums. Included in the Tansu exhibition will be a signature piece ‘Crane Unfolding’, an 8-foot tall sculpture of an origami crane unfolding into a star. “This crane reveals the meaning of life as it unfolds into a star,” says Box. “It symbolizes the complex and intelligent design just below the surface of everything seen in creation. It sums up most of my work”. Call 713-880-5100 for more details.
The Miser. Savagely Funny and 2005 Tony Winner. A knock-about dark comedy based on the classic farce of the tyrannical miser who hoards money and plans to marry off his children to wealthy suitors. A fantastic new production by the recent Tony winner for "Outstanding Regional Theatre." At the Hubbard Stage, Alley Theatre.
Orson's Shadow by Austin Pendleton. An intrigue, comedy, backstage drama at the Ally Theatre. Call 713-228-8421 for tickets.
The Will Rogers Follies: A life in Revue. Event staring Larry Gatlin, performed at the Grand Opera House in Galveston, TX. Starts at 8pm.
International Gem & Jewelry Show. Houston event at the Reliant Center, Hall E. 10am-6pm. Tickets: $7.00. Children under 16: Free. World Largest Jewelry Bazaar.
Houston Fine Arts Events
Xul Solar: Visions and Revelations. At the Houston Museum of Fine Arts. Explore the complete world of the cultural surroundings of Argentina in the early twentieth century through the eyes of one of the most influential artists in Latin American avant-garde art.
Encouraging American Genius: Master Paintings from the Corcoran Gallery of Art. At the Museum of Fine Arts of Houston. Behold the masterpieces of pre-1945 American art history visiting from the third oldest museum in the United States, the Cocoran Gallery of Art, Washington. D.C. Call 713-639-7300 for details.
Reading the Roman Portrait Bust. See what the rulers and ruling class of Rome really looked like. At the Houston Museum of Natural Science. Call 713-639-7300 for more information.
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中華文化服務中心。不合上述條件者﹐可電832-549-8072專家便宜報稅 - 湖南同鄉會年度活動暨“湘菜大賽“。4/10以前報名。281-403-1406 中國人活動中心。
- 國際體育舞蹈中心“校友之夜”舞會, 7-12 pm. 9730 Town Park #100﹐713-776-0788
- 好萊塢傢俱中心週末傢俱減價﹐14438 Bellaire, 281-568-7888
- 西南華人浸信柔道會, 2-4 pm , 地點: 12525 Sugar Ridge Blvd., 281-495-1511
- 免費英語會話班, 10-11am ﹐地點﹕陽花園 Club House, 713-271-5600
- Garage Sale - 西南國語教會。8am - noon. 12143 Bellaire Blvd.
- 頤養關懷網。10am-12 noon.中華文化服務中心。713-271-6100 分機106
- 王麗純“師生舞展及聯歡舞會” 8pm-11:30pm. .$10。281-923-5355。僑教中心.
- 全球台大早期校友年會。上午至晚間十時。J W Marriott Hotel
- 北美台灣婦女講座。1﹕30-2﹕30pm. Omni Houston Hotel
- 工商婦女會演講比賽。9﹕30am. 僑教中心