Houston Tuesday, March 21 Events
Riverdance. "The Triumphant Return of a Phenomenon!" -New York Times. At the Wortham Theater, Brown Theatre. Call 713-629-3700 for tickets.
Disney's Beauty and the Beast. At the Hobby Center. Call 713-558-TUTS for tickets.
Dinosaurs Exhibition. Houston Museum of Natural Sciences. Ancient fossils, new discoveries, come and view an evolution revolution. Call 713-639-4629 for tickets.
The Art of Harmony. Featuring the exquisite modern & traditional works of Chinese & Asian Artists, including Wang Qi, Liang-Chern Hsu, Peihong Endris, Sirun Guan, Monica Barry, & Mari Omori and the Gallery's Permanent Asian Art & Antique Collection. Exhibition Dates Gallery Hours: 12-5PM by appointment. Contact: 713.527.0523 Hannah Bacol Busch.
Houston Fine Arts Events
Images of Texas: the Mary and Mavis P. Kelsey Americana Collection, Memorial Library Texas A&M University. At the Museum of Printing History, 1324 West Clay St., Houston, TX 77019.
Xul Solar: Visions and Revelations. At the Houston Museum of Fine Arts. Explore the complete world of the cultural surroundings of Argentina in the early twentieth century through the eyes of one of the most influential artists in Latin American avant-garde art.
Encouraging American Genius: Master Paintings from the Corcoran Gallery of Art. At the Museum of Fine Arts of Houston. Behold the masterpieces of pre-1945 American art history visiting from the third oldest museum in the United States, the Cocoran Gallery of Art, Washington. D.C. Call 713-639-7300 for details.
Reading the Roman Portrait Bust. See what the rulers and ruling class of Rome really looked like. At the Houston Museum of Natural Science. Call 713-639-7300 for more information.
中華文化服務中心, 申請哈里斯郡醫療卡9am。希望診所看診. 12-8pm. 9800 Town Park 713-271-6100
警察局講座12 noon. 9125 Bellaire Blvd.
西南華人浸信柔道會, 2-4 pm , 地點: 12525 Sugar Ridge Blvd., 281-495-1511
免費英語會話班, 6:30pm ﹐地點﹕陽花園 Club House, 713-271-5600