Houston May 20 Events

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Houston Saturday, May 20 Events

The Woodlands Waterway Arts Festival. At the Woodlands Town Center. 10 am-6pm. 200 National Fine Artists. Admissions: $8.00 Adults, Children under 12: Free. Visit for more details.

11th Annual Festival of Greece. 10am-midnight. There will be lots of Greek Food & Wine, Greek Music and Dancers, Kids Stuff, Carnival and Games. Also, the original Gyro Eating Contest on Friday, May 19th at 7:30pm. Location: 1100 Eldridge Pkwy, Houston, TX. Call 281-451-5999 for more info.

Splash Art Gallery will be holding an art show for three artists from May 19 to June 18.The artists' works on display are William Wong, George Welchor, Uri Kelman.

Location: 6515 Corporate Dr., Suite M1,
Houston, TX 77036
Tel: 713-270-8008.
(Inside Century Plaza, Next to Shao Lin School, North of Dynasty Market and Metro Bank head office)
Hours of operations: Tue - Sun 11:00am to 5:00 pm, Mon closed.

Agatha Christie's Witness for the Prosecution. At the Alley Theater, Hubbard Stage. Call 713-228-8421 for tickets.

110 in the Shade Performance. Based on the film The Rainmaker, Love it only strikes once. At the Hobby Center. Call 713-558-TUTS or visit for more tickets.


Houston Fine Arts Events

Dinosaurs Exhibition. At the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences. Ancient fossils, new discoveries, come and view an evolution revolution. Call 713-639-4629 for more info.

Encouraging American Genius: Master Paintings from the Corcoran Gallery of Art. At the Museum of Fine Arts of Houston. Behold the masterpieces of pre-1945 American art history visiting from the third oldest museum in the United States, the Cocoran Gallery of Art, Washington. D.C. Call 713-639-7300 for details.

Reading the Roman Portrait Bust.  See what the rulers and ruling class of Rome really looked like. At the Houston Museum of Natural Science. Call 713-639-7300 for more information.




  • 工商婦女會“瑜珈養顏術”講座。9:30-11:30am。首都銀行二樓 “ 世界書畫名家慈善義展”開幕典禮。2pm。僑教中心。
  • 文化座談會。3-5pm。僑教中心。
  • 專協金融系列講座5”家庭理財投資“2-4pm。中國人活動中心。
  • 2006年盆景展。noon-5pm。地點﹕China Bear. 15000 I-45 North.
  • ”華商餐飲經營管理研習班“第一天課程。713-774-8884。僑教中心
  • 中華文化中心中文學校結業典禮。謝師宴。5pm-7pm。Cafe East @ Highway 6
  • 優勝學院夏令營Open House, 10am-2pm. 832-607-8788. 9407 Buffalo Speedway
  • 台灣人傳統周音樂會。7pm。台灣人活動中心。
  • 曹志源教授“美國移民政策回顧與前瞻”。3-5pm。僑教中心
  • 中禪寺“禪”。2-4pm。僑教中心
  • 頤養關懷網。10am-noon。 中華文化服務中心,
  • 國際體育舞蹈中心週末舞會8﹕30-12pm。9730 Town Park
  • 好萊塢傢俱中心週末傢俱減價﹐14438 Bellaire, 281-568-7888
  • 西南華人浸信柔道會, 2-4 pm , 地點: 12525 Sugar Ridge Blvd., 281-495-1511
  • 免費英語會話班, 10-11am ﹐地點﹕陽花園 Club House, 713-271-5600

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