Houston May 28 Events

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Houston Sunday, May 28 Events

Memorial CityFest. At Memorial City Mall. There will be live music, children's carnival, concessions, games, and prizes. A display of military weapons, vehicles, and other paraphernalia starts at 5pm. The grand finale will feature a fireworks show at 9:30pm. Admissions: Free. Memorial City Mall, 900 Gessner.

Cirque du Symphony presented by the Houston Symphony. At Jones Hall. Call 713-224-7575 or visit for more details.

Moby in Motion presented by Houston Ballet. Set to the techno dance music of Moby, Stanton Welch's Play is an extraordinary take on busy urban life. Presented with Welch's dazzling Velocity, a study in speed and athleticism and Kenneth MacMillan's masterpiece Gloria. Call 713-227-2787 for tickets and more info.

Bombay Dreams. At the Hobby Center. Call 713-558-TUTS or visit for tickets.

South Pacific presented by Masquerade Theatre. At the Hobby Center. Call 713-315-2525 for more details.

Splash Art Gallery will be holding an art show for three artists from May 19 to June 18.The artists' works on display are William Wong, George Welchor, Uri Kelman.

Location: 6515 Corporate Dr., Suite M1,
Houston, TX 77036
Tel: 713-270-8008.
(Inside Century Plaza, Next to Shao Lin School, North of Dynasty Market and Metro Bank head office)
Hours of operations: Tue - Sun 11:00am to 5:00 pm, Mon closed.

Agatha Christie's Witness for the Prosecution. At the Alley Theater, Hubbard Stage. Call 713-228-8421 for tickets.


Houston Fine Arts Events

Joseph Havel: A Decade of Sculpture 1996-2006. At the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Location: 1001 Bissonnet, Houston, TX 77005. Call 713-639-7300 for details.

Dinosaurs Exhibition. At the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences. Ancient fossils, new discoveries, come and view an evolution revolution. Call 713-639-4629 for more info.

Reading the Roman Portrait Bust.  See what the rulers and ruling class of Rome really looked like. At the Houston Museum of Natural Science. Call 713-639-7300 for more information.




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