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Houston Sunday, May 7 Events
Kid's Fest at Kemah Boardwalk. 11am-6pm. Activities include exhibits, petting zoo, pirate show, live music, and entertainment.
Monteverdi's The Coronation of Poppea. At the Wortham Theater Center. The Roman emperor Nerone plots to discard his wife Ottavia and marry his mistress- the glamorous, manipulative, and enchanting Poppea. Call 713-228-6737 for tickets.
Houston Flower & Plant Expo. Houston event at the George R. Brown Convention Center. Presented by the Houston Orchid Society. Visit www.houstonflowershow.com/home.asp.
Ice Cream Festival. Take yourself back in time to old fashioned ice cream social. Ice cream eating contests, family entertainment, festival food, children's activities, unique shopping in Historic Downtown, and lots of Blue Bell ice cream. Location: Downtown Brenham, Texas. Call 1-888-BRENHAM for more details.
Dance Collage. Authentic award-winning Chinese fold and classical dances collide with new western choreography in brilliant harmony. Starts at 8:00pm at the Miller Outdoor Theater in Herman Park. Call 713-284-8352 for more info.
Houston Fine Arts Events
Dinosaurs Exhibition. At the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences. Ancient fossils, new discoveries, come and view an evolution revolution. Call 713-639-4629 for more info.
Encouraging American Genius: Master Paintings from the Corcoran Gallery of Art. At the Museum of Fine Arts of Houston. Behold the masterpieces of pre-1945 American art history visiting from the third oldest museum in the United States, the Cocoran Gallery of Art, Washington. D.C. Call 713-639-7300 for details.
Reading the Roman Portrait Bust. See what the rulers and ruling class of Rome really looked like. At the Houston Museum of Natural Science. Call 713-639-7300 for more information.
- 中文學校夏令營報名。10am。僑教中心
- 風雅集“美容講座”。2-5pm。僑教中心
- 北京大學校友會年會。2pm。中國人活動中心
- 中華文化服務中心高爾夫球慈善比賽。Blackhorse Gulf Club, 12205 Fry Rd, 713-271-6100 ext 102. Alice Lee.
- 中國旅美專家協會講座。2-4PM。 首都銀行二樓
- 浴佛節聖誕法會。10am。玉佛寺。
- ”菩提之光“菩提中心募款素宴。7pm。281-498-1616。鳳凰海鮮酒家。
- 國際體育舞蹈中心舞會. 8:30pm-12:00am. 9730 Town Park #100﹐713-776-0788
- 好萊塢傢俱中心週末傢俱減價﹐14438 Bellaire, 281-568-7888