Houston December 9 Events

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Houston Saturday, December 9 Events

Check out what there is to do in Houston this summer on our Houston Attractions Guide.

Houston Symphony Pops - A Very Merry Pops. A Houston Symphony tradition! Michael Krajewski rings in the holiday with a heartwarming celebration of the season. Michael Krajewski, conductor … Houston Symphony Chorus, Charles Hausmann, director. Location: Jones Hall, 615 Louisiana. Call 713-224-7575 for more info.

Houston Symphony Time Warner Family Series - How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Houston events at Jones Hall. 10am, 11:30am. Oh no! The Grinch has it all wrong! Let’s show him that Christmas is really in our hearts. Call 713-224-7575 for more info.

Houston Tidelanders Christmas Show. At Wortham Center, 501 Texas. With a history spanning more than five decades, the Houston Tidelanders are the second oldest performing arts organization in the city of Houston. The Tidelander Chorus, the Houston Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society, is an all male championship a cappella 4-part harmony chorus that has warmed the hearts of audiences across Houston and the United States. Call 713-627-3570 for more info.

44th Annual Christmas Candlelight Tour. Candles and decorations reminiscent of the 19th century brighten the eight historic structures in downtown's Sam Houston Park. Stroll down memory lane at The Heritage Society's 44th Annual Candlelight Tour. Come tour Houston's most historic homes decorated for the season. Enjoy food, entertainment and more. Houston events at Downtown, 1100 Bagby @ Allen Parkway. Call 713.655.1912 for more info.

Radio City Christmas Spectacular. At the Hobby Center. Starring the Rockettes. Call 713-558-TUTS for ticket and schedule information. Event ID:12/31

The Nutcracker. At the Wortham Center. Call 713-227-2787 for tickets and more info. Event ID:12/27.

A Christmas Carol: Charles Dickens. A ghost story of Christmas. Houston events at the Alley Theatre. Call 713-228-8421 or visit for more details. Event ID:12/27.

Rock Nativity presented by A.D. Players Theater. Call 713-526-2721 for more info. Event ID:12/31

Tryst, A Romantic Thriller. At the Alley Theater, Neuhaus Stage. Adult content, nudity, and sexual situations. Recommended for mature audiences. Call 713-228-8421 for more tickets. Event ID:12/10


Houston Fine Arts Events

The Cat's Meow. At the Museum of Fine Arts. The exhibition presents a wide range of works of art that celebrate the mystery of cats, in all of their nine lives. The Catīs Meow gathers approximately 25 works from the MFAH collections of prints and drawings, photography, and Asian art, all featuring fabulous felines in various stages of posing, prowling, and purring. Call 713-639-7300 for more info. Event ID: 1/21/07.



  • * 長春會月會.9:30am. 地點: 僑教中心
  • 聖誕音樂劇「永恆之光」. 7:30pm.曉士頓中國教會. 地點: 10305 SOUTH MAIN
  • 潘立平舞蹈藝術中心聖誕節舞會.8:30pm-12midnight. 地點: 黃金廣場潘立平舞蹈藝術中心
  • 中華保健中心會員慶生會.10am.首都銀行社區中心.
  • 頤養關懷網。10:30-noon。文化中心,713-271-6100
  • 長春會月會。僑教中心。713-664-3064
  • 《內蒙古鄂爾多斯高原喬家藝術展》10:30am。中國人活動中心
  • "和樂之聲“演唱會。7pm。僑教中心。
  • 中國聯合校友會”校友之夜。7:30pm-12:30am 地點﹕國際體育舞蹈中心
  • 好萊塢傢俱中心週末傢俱減價﹐14438 Bellaire, 281-568-7888
  • 西南華人浸信柔道會, 2-4 pm , 地點: 12525 Sugar Ridge Blvd., 281-495-1511
  • 免費英語會話班, 10-11am ﹐地點﹕陽花園 Club House, 713-271-5600

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