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Houston Saturday, December 8 Events
Check out what there is to do in Houston this
summer on our
Houston Attractions
The Nutcracker Presented by the Houston Ballet.. Houston events the Wortham Center. Call 713-227-2787 for more info. Event ID: 12/30
A Christmas Carol. At the Alley Theatre. Call 713-220-5700 for tickets.
Houston Fine Arts Events
- 工商婦女會2012年歲末聯歡會。6pm。832-866-3333。地點﹕金殿餐廳
- 周潔曉舞蹈學校“花樣年華”年度舞展。7pm。713-516-5186。地點﹕休大卡倫堂
- 長春會月會。10am-1pm。僑教中心。(第二個 星期六)。713-784-6006
- SAT免費模擬講座。10am。832-466-3348。地點﹕6918 Corporate Dr.A16
- 國際體育舞蹈中心舞會。8:30-12pm。9730 Town Park