Houston February 24 Events

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Houston Saturday, February 24 Events

Check out what there is to do in Houston this summer on our Houston Attractions Guide.

Spring Antique Show 2007. At the Convention Center, 1001 Avenida de las Americas. Call 713-853-8000 for more info.

Conoco Phillips Rodeo Run. At Fish Plaza, in front of Wortham Center. This race will once again lead the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo™ (HLSR) Parade past thousands of cheering spectators in downtown Houston. Call 281-293-2447 for more info.

Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Parade. Official parade of the annual 20 day rodeo and concert event. Begins at 10 a.m. at the corner of Smith at Texas and ending at Walker at Bagby. Call 832-667-1000 for more info.

Brahms' German Requiem, Performed by Houston Symphony.  2:30pm. At Jones Hall, 615 Louisiana. Call 713-224-7575 for tickets.

Asian Amercia Real Estate Association [ AAREA ]4th Annual Gala ,At Ocean Palace Seafood Restaurant from 6:30 pm to midnight. Detail: .Sponsorship & or other info please contact: Ben Huynh 281.561.5386 or Email: All guests are welcome. You don't have to be Real Estate Professional to attend this even.

Twelve Angry Men by Broadway Across America. The greatest courtroom drama of all time. Houston events at the Hobby Center. Call 713-629-3700 for tickets. Event ID: 2/25

One Way or Another: Asian American Art Now. At Blaffer Gallery, the Art Museum of the University of Houston. The title is drawn from the 1978 Blondie hit. The show features new paintings, sculptures, installations and video works by 17 emerging Asian-American artists born in the late 1960s and 1970s, including Michael Arcega, Xavier Cha, Patty Chang, Binh Danh, Mari Eastman, Ala Ebtekar, Chitra Ganesh, Glenn Kaino, Geraldine Lau, Jiha Moon, Laurel Nakadate, Kaz Oshiro, Anna Sew Hoy, Jean Shin, Indigo Som, Mika Tajima, and Saira Wasim. While the song/exhibit title is indicative of the visible influence of popular culture on these artists’ work, it also hints at the cultural duality informing each artist’s life and the degree to which this duality may or may not inform their practice. Event ID:3/31

Houston Fine Arts Events

The Masterpieces of French Painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1800-1920.  MFAH is the only museum in the United States to host the Met´s treasured collection of French masterpieces while the galleries undergo renovation. This is an extraordinary display of 135 paintings, including masterpieces by van Gogh, Matisse, Picasso, Ingres, Bonnard, Renoir, Degas, Cézanne, Manet, Corot, Courbet, and Monet. At the Museum of Fine Arts, 1001 Bissonnet. Event ID: 5/6.

Hélio Oiticica: The Body of Color. At the Museum of Fine Arts, 1001 Bissonnet. The Body of Color traces the conceptual and technical processes that led to Oiticica´s emancipation of color into space. The exhibition displays the different series created throughout the artist´s career, shedding light on the various contexts and influences that nurtured their production, and demonstrating the rigor of his aesthetic inquiry. Call 713-639-7300 for more info. Event ID: 4/1/07

Bierstadt to O´Keeffe: Highlights from the Stark Museum of Art. MFAH exhibits many works of art from the Stark´s renowned collection of 19th- and 20th-century western American art through a series of exhibitions. As a celebration of this exciting and mutually beneficial relationship, this year´s exhibition will feature a selection of highlights from the Stark. At the Museum of Fine Arts, 1001 Bissonnet. Call 713-639-7300 for more info. Event ID: 4/23.

Frogs: A Chorus of Colors. See living frogs from around the world, marvel at their rainbow of colors, variety of sizes and beautiful sounds and learn how they have survived across the globe for more than 220 million years. Explore 15 diverse habitats and the fascinating frogs that call them home. At Museum of Natural Science, 1 Hermann Circle Drive. Call 713-639-IMAX for more info.

Brain: The World Inside Your Head. The first traveling exhibit to be open in the new Sue Trammell Whitfield Gallery. At the Health Museum, 1515 Herman Drive.



  • 攝影學會“年度十大佳作”頒獎暨新春餐會。6:30pm。713-665-8872。地點﹕新金殿酒家

  • 美南華文寫作協會春節聯歡.2:15-5:30pm.首都銀行二樓

  • 免費為中低收入報稅 (詳情請看Home Page新聞) 1-5pm.中華文化服務中心

  • 頤養關懷網。10am-noon。713-271-6100。文化中心

  • 符牧德神父“靈修講座”。281-575-8855。美華天主教堂

  • “有保障的退休生活”座談會。2-4pm。281-340-8812。地點﹕77 Sugar Land Creek Center Blvd. #100

  • 菩提獎學金申請截止.張景華小姐 281-498-1616 (Wed-Sat 10:00 am-5:00pm)。

  • 國際體育舞蹈中心週末舞會 8:30-12pm。9730 Town Park



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