Houston January 20 Events

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Houston Saturday, January 20 Events

Check out what there is to do in Houston this summer on our Houston Attractions Guide.

Houston Gun Collectors Show. At Reliant Park. Largest Gun Show in Texas, with 1500 tables! Public gun show with exhibits, including modern rifles, pistols, shot guns, gun cases, U bags, gun sights, scopes, stocks, finishing materials and parts. Call 713-981-6463 for more info.

International Gun and Gem Show. AtReliant Park. Exhibitors from around the world offer a huge selection of quality jewelry with incredible savings. Call 832-667-1400 for more info.

Subject to Fits. At Alley Theater, Neuhaus Stage. Call 713-220-5700 for more info. Event ID:2/18.

Yo-Yo Ma in Concert. At Jones Hall. Tickets start from $27. Call 713-224-7575 for ticket info.

Stages Theatre - Amy's View. A riveting, bitterly funny drama by esteemed British playwright David Hare. Houston events at Stages Theatre, 3201 Allen Parkway. Call 713-527-0123 for more info. Event ID:2/4.

A Moon for the Misbegotten Performance. At the Ally Theater, Hubbard Stage. On one moonlit night, the possibility of love becomes real. Call 713-220-5700 for more info.

Houston Fine Arts Events

The Cat's Meow. At the Museum of Fine Arts. The exhibition presents a wide range of works of art that celebrate the mystery of cats, in all of their nine lives. The Catīs Meow gathers approximately 25 works from the MFAH collections of prints and drawings, photography, and Asian art, all featuring fabulous felines in various stages of posing, prowling, and purring. Call 713-639-7300 for more info. Event ID: 1/21/07.



  • 亞裔藝術從業者2007年獎助金申請程序說明會. 9:30-11am. 地點:文化中心

  • 世界華人工商婦女企管協會美南分會新舊會長交接. 12noon 地點:西都餐廳(香港城內)

  • 燃燈助學計劃說明會. 3-5pm.地點:首都銀行社區服務中心

  • 休士頓才藝青少年音樂會. 3:30pm. & 7pm 地點:萊斯大學史都迪音樂廳

  • 台大校友會年會. 6pm 地點:鳳凰海鮮餐廳

  • 美華天主教堂“性格型態研習會”。2-4pm。281-935-0852

  • 美國華人石油協會年會. 6pm-9:30pm. 832-486-2275.糖城金山酒家

  • 國際珠寶展 832-667-1400 地點﹕Reliant Park

  • 果樹義賣 8am-1pm. 地點﹕1900 Bering Drive.

  • “投資理財”座談會.281-340-8812. 地點﹕77 Sugarland Creek Center Blvd.#100

  • 頤養關懷網。10am-noon。713-271-6100。文化中心。

  • 國際體育舞蹈中心週末舞會8﹕30-12pm。9730 Town Park

  • 好萊塢傢俱中心週末傢俱減價﹐14438 Bellaire, 281-568-7888

  • 西南華人浸信柔道會, 2-4 pm , 地點: 12525 Sugar Ridge Blvd., 281-495-1511.

  • 馬友友音樂會。8pm。Jones Hall. 281-370-9404

  • Houston Young Artist Concert. 3pm & 7pm.281-870-0674. 地點﹕Student Concert Hall.(Rice University)

  • 紐約中國芭蕾京劇“盤絲洞”。2pm.832-766-8870 地點﹕休大卡倫堂。


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