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Houston Saturday, July 2 Events
Check out what there is to do in Houston this
summer on our
Houston Attractions
Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None. Tickets start at $25. Houston events at Alley Theatre. Call 713-220-5700. Event ID: 7/31
Houston Fine Arts Events
- 愛心組織國慶園遊會。11am-2pm。地點﹕文化中心. 詳情參閱首頁新聞
- 角聲“活力人生”康樂坊(免費)。9-10:30am。713-270-8660。地點﹕世貿大樓3樓。7001 Corporate Dr.
- 美洲普提中心每週六9-4“普提善修會”。979-921-6969
- 國際體育舞蹈中心國慶舞會。8:30-12pm. 地點﹕國際體育舞蹈中心 9730 Town Park