Houston Events >> Today's Events
Houston Saturday, July 23 Events
Check out what there is to do in Houston this
summer on our
Houston Attractions
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Presented by the Houston Symphony. At Jones Hall. Call 713-224-7575 for more info. Event ID: 7/23
Ringling Bros Barnum and Baily Circus Celebrating 200 Years. Houston events at Reliant Stadium. Call 800-745-3000 for tickets. Event ID: 7/24
Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None. Tickets start at $25. Houston events at Alley Theatre. Call 713-220-5700. Event ID: 7/31
Houston Fine Arts Events
- 攝影協會攝影展開幕。2pm。僑教中心
地點﹕Tracy Gee Community Center - 角聲“活力人生”康樂坊(免費)。9-10:30am。713-270-8660。地點﹕世貿大樓3樓。7001 Corporate Dr.
- 光.鹽.社.舉辦“免費乳房攝影檢查” 。10am-4pm。713-988-4724。地點﹕西區中國教會。詳情參閱首頁新聞
- 國際體育舞蹈中心舞會。8:30-12pm。9730 Town Park