Houston June 24 Events

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Houston Sunday, June 24 Events

Check out what there is to do in Houston this summer on our Houston Attractions Guide.

Photomarathon in Herman Park. Check-in for this event will begin at 3:00 p.m. at the entrance to Hermann Park; however, a pre-event social is scheduled to begin at 2:00 p.m. at a location to be disclosed following online registration. Upon arrival, please check in and receive proper identification, the 4 photography themes for the day, and a copy of the contest rules. Remember, the topics are confidential until revealed. All participants have the next 4 hours to shoot 4 images per topic, in the same order in which the topics are listed. By no later than 7:00 p.m., all participants must submit their camera's memory card at the pre-arranged check-in location and have their entry card stamped to prove attendance. Participants should plan to have their desired entries ready for submission by 6:30 p.m. The photographs will be judged based upon the creative ideas, as well as photo composition. Registration can be accomplished at

Animal Planet Expo. At Cullen Park, 19008 Saums Road. Free animal show and activities for the whole family. 10am-4pm.

Mixers, Elixirs and IMAX Summer Social Series. 7:00 to 10:00 p.m.,The perfect Friday night party, with live music, where social butterflies mingle with science buffs and dance under Tyrannosaurus Rex, one of the largest land carnivores of all time. Houston events at Museum of Natural Science, 1 Hermann Circle Drive. Call 713.639.IMAX for more info. Event ID: Fri., thru Aug.24

Houston International Boat, Sport, and Travel Show. Latest brands in boats, yachts, jet skis and other marine themed vehicles showcased in all five halls of Reliant Center on January 5-14, 2007. At Reliant Center. Houston events at Reliant Park, South Loop 610 @ Kirby exit. Call 713-526-6361 for more info. Event ID:6/24.


Houston Fine Arts Events

Jelly Belly® presents CANDY UNWRAPPED. Bring your taste buds to The Health Museum this summer and explore some sweet science! Jelly Belly® Presents CANDY UNWRAPPED exposes the science of sweets and sours with biology, chemistry, physiology and psychology of sugar. Houston events at Health Museum, 1515 Hermann Drive. Call 713-521-1515 for more info. Event ID:9/3

The Great Wall of China: Photographs by Chen Changfen. thru Aug.12, 2007. Born in 1941, Chen Changfen became a professional photographer at 18, and six years later, in 1965, photographed the Great Wall of China for the first time. Although he has continually photographed the wall over the last 30 years, the project was most actively pursued after the Cultural Revolution when he needed a restorative project. Call 713-639-7300 for more info. At Museum of Fine Arts, 1001 Bissonnet.



  • 休斯頓兒童合唱團演出“武裝人-和平彌撒”。7pm。1-800-821-1894. 地點﹕Galveston 的聖心天主教堂
  • 安良工商會“持槍執照課程”。8am。281-650-9395. 地點﹕安良工商會二樓(6300 Corporate)
  • 耳穴專家黃麗春教授“耳穴學講座”。9am-6pm。281-495-2558
  • 看護者訓練班。9am-6pm.地點﹕文化中心。713-271-6100
  • 國際體育舞蹈中心舞會。8:30-12pm。9730 Town Park






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