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Houston Monday, March 25 Events
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Houston Attractions
Jersey Boys. The Story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Musical presented by Broadway Across America. Houston events at the Hobby Center. Call 800-982-ARTS for more info. Event ID: 3/31
Houston Fine Arts Events
一- 申請哈里斯郡醫院區醫療卡(金卡)。8:30-11am 地點﹕文化中心。713-271-6100
- 申請文化中心低收入家庭房屋節約能源計劃。1-3pm。713-271-6100。
- 老人協會國畫班(免費)。10am-11:30am。713-789-4995。僑教中心。
- 低收入家庭免費報稅。713-271-6100。文化中心