Houston May 19 Events

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Houston Saturday, May 19 Events

Check out what there is to do in Houston this summer on our Houston Attractions Guide.

12th Annual Festival of Greece. 10am - midnight. Houston events at 1100 Eldridge Parkway. Admissions: $2, Kids Free. Come experience Greek food, wine, music, dancers and carnival games. Call 281-451-5999 for more info.

Hansel and Gretel. 8pm. A brand new production of the favorite opera Hansel & Gretel by Engelbert Humperdinck with a fresh chamber music arrangement, sung by the Houston Grand Opera Studio artists. Experience this magical and much-loved fairy-tale opera. Houston events at Miller Theater, In Hermann Park, 100 Concert Drive. Call 281-FREE-FUN for more info. Event ID:5/19

American Baby Faire. Houston events at Reliant Center. The biggest baby expo is back. Adults: $8, children under 12 free. Call 877-959-BABY for more info. Event ID:5/20.

Houston Gun Collectors Show. Houston events at Reliant Center. Largest Gun Show in Texas, with 1500 tables! Public gun show with exhibits, including modern rifles, pistols, shot guns, gun cases, U bags, gun sights, scopes, stocks, finishing materials and parts. Call 713-981-6463 for more info. Event ID:5/20

Mercury Baroque - Going Classical. Mercury’s going classical! Exchanging light baroque bows for more solid classical ones, changing pitches and picking up some horns, and oboes, Houston’s baroque band is swinging into the 18th century in style. Houston events at Wortham Center, 501 Texas. Call 713-533-0080 for more info.

Musiqa Houston - Around The World With Musiqa. 11am and 2pm. Houston events at the Hobby Center, 800 Bagby. Please join Musiqa Houston for two public performances of this acclaimed program that has delighted children of all ages and musical backgrounds. Includes surtitles, so that the children can follow along and sing with the lyrics. Call 713-315-2525 for more info.

Houston Gun Collectors Show. Houston events at Reliant Center. Largest Gun Show in Texas, with 1500 tables! Public gun show with exhibits, including modern rifles, pistols, shot guns, gun cases, U bags, gun sights, scopes, stocks, finishing materials and parts. Call 713-981-6463 for more info.

Pasadena Strawberry Festival. The multi-cultural event draws a crowd of more than 35,000 to enjoy the strawberries, entertainment, food, activities and fun! The free continuous entertainment presented for your enjoyment offers something for everyone's taste. Location: Fairmont Parkway @ Red Bluff. Call 281-991-9500 for more info. Event ID:5/20

The Clean House, A New Comedy at the Alley Theatre. Call 713-220-5700 for more info. Event ID:5/27.


Houston Fine Arts Events

The Great Wall of China: Photographs by Chen Changfen. thru Aug.12, 2007. Born in 1941, Chen Changfen became a professional photographer at 18, and six years later, in 1965, photographed the Great Wall of China for the first time. Although he has continually photographed the wall over the last 30 years, the project was most actively pursued after the Cultural Revolution when he needed a restorative project. Call 713-639-7300 for more info. At Museum of Fine Arts, 1001 Bissonnet.

Frogs: A Chorus of Colors. See living frogs from around the world, marvel at their rainbow of colors, variety of sizes and beautiful sounds and learn how they have survived across the globe for more than 220 million years. Explore 15 diverse habitats and the fascinating frogs that call them home. At Museum of Natural Science, 1 Hermann Circle Drive. Call 713-639-IMAX for more info.

Brain: The World Inside Your Head. The first traveling exhibit to be open in the new Sue Trammell Whitfield Gallery. At the Health Museum, 1515 Herman Drive.



  • 歡迎中國喬紅總領事餐會。281-844-1499。地點﹕鳳凰海鮮酒家
  • 清華大學96週年慶暨春季聯誼活動。11:30am-4pm。713-201-3707. 地點﹕Hermann Park
  • 歡送台北廖港民處長榮調紐約。11am。地點﹕台灣人活動中心。832-651-6634
  • 中國人活動中心11週年暨歡迎新領事喬紅晚宴。6:30pm。281-844-1499。地點﹕鳳凰海鮮大酒家
  • “抗癌食品烹飪賽”( 詳情參閱首頁新聞)。10am-1pm。“簡式八段太極操”及“癌友家屬活動”。9am。地點﹕福遍中國教會(7707 Highway 6)
  • 台商會高爾夫球賽。12 noon。832-483-5162。地點﹕South Wyck Golf Course
  • 太極班。9:30-11:30am. 文化中心。713-271-6100
  • 頤養關懷網。10:30-11:30am。文化中心。
  • 西南華人浸信柔道會, 2-4 pm , 地點: 12525 Sugar Ridge Blvd. 281-495-1511
  • 免費英語會話班, 10-11am ﹐地點﹕陽花園 Club House, 713-271-5600
  • 國際體育舞蹈中心舞會。8:30-12pm。9730 Town Park








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