Houston Events >> Today's Events
Houston Saturday, May 12 Events
Check out what there is to do in Houston this
summer on our
Houston Attractions
Houston Art Car Parade.. Come out and enjoy the 25th annual Art Car Parade on Allen Parkway from Waugh to Bagby. More than 250 motoriffic mobile masterpieces will hid the pavement.
Totally Mozart Presented by the Houston Symphony. Houston events at Jones Hall. Call 713-224-7575 for tickets. Event ID: 5/13
Houston Fine Arts Events
- 美南地區台灣美食廚藝巡迴講座。3pm。281-980-3678。地點﹕敦煌超市
- SAT 模擬免費講座(預約)。10am。832-466-3348。地點﹕6918 Corporate. 2樓
- 分享抗癌經歷 教授健身運動。2-4pm。713-988-4724。地點: 希望診所. 詳情參閱首頁新聞
- 江蘇同鄉會舉辦特色龍蝦野餐會。713-774-4908。地點﹕ Lost Creek Park, Sugar Land
- 長春會月會。10am-1pm。僑教中心。(第二個 星期六)。713-784-6006
- 國際體育舞蹈中心舞會。8:30-12pm。9730 Town Park