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Houston Saturday, May 7 Events
Check out what there is to do in Houston this
summer on our
Houston Attractions
Houston International Festival. This year's theme is The Silk Road: Journey Across Asia. Houston events in Downtown Houston. Call 713-654-8808 for more info.
Highlights of Houston Ballet. 8pm. Houston events at Miller Outdoor Theatre in Hermann Park. Free Admissions.
Thomas Saves the Day Live on Stage. Houston events at Jones Hall. Call 713-227-4772 for more info.
The Monster at the Door. Houston events at the Alley Theatre. Call 713-220-5700 for tickets.
Houston Fine Arts Events
- 中華合唱團母親節音樂會。7:30pm。832-545-1956。地點﹕美華天主教堂
- 休士頓國際藝術節。noon-10pm。地點﹕市政府廣場 www.ifest.org
- 台北木偶劇團。2-4pm。地點﹕市政府廣場 www.ifest.org
- 光鹽社舉辦“認識天然產物在癌症預防和治療上的應用
地點﹕華人聖經教會6025 Sovereign Dr.。 713-988-4724。 - 美洲普提中心每週六9-4“普提善修會”。979-921-6969
- 國際體育舞蹈中心舞會。8:30-12pm 地點﹕國際體育舞蹈中心 9730 Town Park