Houston October 9 Events

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Houston Saturday, October 9 Events

Check out what there is to do in Houston this summer on our Houston Attractions Guide.

FireFest 2010. This free event celebrates National Fire Prevention Week. This family-oriented event’s goal is to promote awareness about fire safety and fire prevention practices in a fun setting with real firefighters. Public lot with free shuttle buses operates from 9:45 am to 5:30 pm at 9300 Monroe Road, at the corner of Meldrum Road, just a three minute ride from the event. Location: HFD Training Academy, 8030 Branniff Blvd Houston TX 77061.

Greek Festival. Authentic handmade Greek foods, music, folk dancing, and more. Houston events at 3511 Yoakum, one block west of Montrose Blvd. Call 713-526-5377 for more info. Event ID: 10/10

Siege of Skeletons Exhibition at the Health Museum. It's all about bones. See the sensational papier-mâché skeleton submissions from teams all over the Greater Houston area. Event ID: 11/1

Driving Miss Daisy by Alfred Uhry.  Presented by AD Players. Call 713-526-2721 for more info. Event ID: 10/17


Houston Fine Arts Events

Where Clouds Disperse: Ink Paintings by Suh Se-ok.  Over his 40-year career, Suh Se-ok has incorporated his traditional training with his Modernist sensibility to create dynamic works that embody his artistic vision. He has been especially transfixed by the figurative form and has continually explored and perfected it until it evolved into powerful formal gestures of simple lines that comprise his definitive pictorial vocabulary. Location: Museum of Fine Arts, 1001 Bissonnet. Call 713-639-7300 for more info.



  • 雙十國慶酒會。6:30pm。地點﹕West Chase Marriot
  • 雙十國慶踏青健行。11am-2pm。地點﹕Elderdge Park.
  • 中台禪寺禪修中心落成典禮. 10am 地點: 普德精舍
  • 雙十國慶攝影展開幕。2﹕30pm。僑教中心。
  • 大專校聯會風雅集舉辦“攝影修改技巧”講座。1-4pm。281-251-5663。
  • 光鹽社舉辦“ ”培訓營。9-4pm。華人聖經教會6025 Sovereign Dr.。 713-988-4724。
  • 美洲普提中心每週六9-4“普提善修會”。979-921-6969
  • 國際體育舞蹈中心舞會。8:30-12pm. 地點﹕國際體育舞蹈中心 9730 Town Park。

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