The new Harwin Central Mart, one of the many wholesale, low price stores along Harwin Dr.


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Harwin Shops Guide

Disclaimer - has no affiliation with Harwin Central Mart.

Harwin Drive in southwest Houston is know for the place to purchase look-alike brand name merchandise like purses, luggage's, sunglasses, watches, and clothing. You can also find low priced furniture, electronics, cell phone accessories, and perfumes. New places like the Harwin Central Mart, an indoor mall, carries all sorts of unique jewelry, beads, Asian clothing, and more.

Read More: Houston Harwin Drive, A Bargain Shoppers Paradise

Harwin Central Mart

Location: 9700 Harwin Dr.

This newly opened indoor mall has over 20 stores. Click here to view a short video.

Suburban housewives, teen trendsetters and even a few ladies who lunch cross paths on Harwin. They converge to fawn over a collection of plain-Jane, no-frills stores that house sterling silver jewelry and perfume plus faux designer fashions and handbags. If you are a first-time Harwin shopper or a confirmed Harwinaholic, the lay of the land is important to know; otherwise, you might miss some money-saving goodies.
At Harwin, boho for a bargain sums up the endless storefronts that sell traditional south Asian or Indian clothing such as tunics -- ask for them as kurtas there -- and colorful, jangly bracelets. They’re comparable in style -- but not in cost -- to what you’ll be finding across town.

Perfumes found on Harwin are the real deal but sell at about half the department store price. Inventory changes constantly, though at any given time, store shelves burst with recognizable brands. Be sure to stop and smell the perfume at BBH & E, where friendly staff will help you navigate the popular brands. If you fell in love with a particular scent in Paris and just can’t find it stateside, pop into Trendsetters.

Most of the shops are clustered, so park at one and walk to the others. Some of the best clothing (and even wedding dresses) can be found at Roop Sari Palace, and you’ll discover a most impressive selection of accessories at Rose Boutique. A few things to keep in mind as you shop:

Fake designer purses with purposefully misspelled names such as Kade Spate or Pradda can be found for about $30. Locals know the Harwin fake situation for bags and luggage, but ask a store employee, and they may act clueless. Designers don't appreciate the copying of their high-price items. Stores selling these bags know this and will gauge your interest before showing the goods.

All of the stores selling south Asian or Indian clothing are generally closed on Tuesdays.

There are no places to relax on Harwin -- no food courts, dressing rooms or restrooms. Just a string of shops owned by people from all around the world who don't mind a bit of haggling. Even when the prices seem competitive, it never hurts to ask for an even better deal. (Houston Chronicle)


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