Japanese Beer

A guide to Japanese Beer

Japanese Culture » Japanese Beer

Japanese Beer

Japanese beer is quickly gaining worldwide popularity.

As Japan entered the Meiji period in the late 1860's, a long period of isolationism was ended and Japan began adopting many Western customs, styles and tastes including the making of beer. Today beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage in Japan even surpassing sake. Beer is drunk in the home, restaurants, at parties and social gatherings and is even sold in vending machines. When Japanese get together socially, it is customary for all present to make the first toast of the evening with a glass of beer. At such gatherings, large beer bottles called o-bin or "large bottle" containing almost one quart of beer are brought to the table and poured into glasses for everyone. One never pours beer into his or her own glass since it is considered impolite so the pouring of the beer is usually shared between at least two people. Japanese appetizers and snacks always accompany alcoholic beverages since it is not customary to drink without eating.

Today there are many popular brands of beer in Japan:

  • Kirin
  • Sapporo
  • Suntory
  • Aishi

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