Chinese Years and
Chinese years
Chinese years revolve in cycles of ten years each. Every set of two consecutive
years is governed by a Chinese cosmic element. Thus, there are five elements in
all: Metal, Water. Wood, Fire and Earth. Each also has a unique color associated
with it. (i.e. white, black, blue/green, red, and yellow respectively)
Finding your Chinese Element
To find your Chinese element, take into account the last figure of your year of
birth. Look at the list below for a brief description of your Chinese birth
element.( For example, If you were born in 1971, your element would be Metal.)
0 to 1: Metal = feelings which conduct electricity, likes power (color: white)
People born in the years controlled by the Metal element will be as rigid and
resolute in expression as their particular signs will permit. They are guided by
strong feelings and will pursue their objectives with intensity and little
hesitation. Sustained by their ambitions, they are capable of prolonged effort
to get what they want. They are very sources-oriented and unwavering in their
2 to 3: Water= silent & constant, influences others' thoughts (color: black)
Persons born in a year dominated by the Water element have a better than average
ability to communicate and to advance their ideas by influencing the thoughts of
others. Other peoples minds are their vessels and help carry their creative
ideas into positive action. They are basically ruled by sympathetic vibrations
and convey their feelings and emotions to the best degree that their native
animal sign will permit.
4 to 5: Wood = value ethics, cooperative & generous nature (color: green) People
born under the auspices of the Wood element value their ethics; they have high
morals and a good deal of self-confidence. They know the intrinsic value of
things and their interests are wide and varied. Their expansive and cooperative
natures will allow them to do things on a grand scale. They possess executive
personalities because they can apportion and separate matters into the right
categories and work orders. Their progressiveness and generosity enable them to
take on large projects, long-term or sizable developments or expensive
scientific studies -- definitely not one-man ventures.
6 to 7: Fire = attractive & impulsive, strong leadership qualities (color: red)
Persons born in a year ruled by the Fire element will display above-average
qualities of leadership; they are decisive and sure of themselves. They have the
maximum capacity allowed by their particular sign to motivate people and bring
ideas into fruition because they will be more aggressive and positive than other
natives of their particular sign. Loving adventure and innovation, they will
tend to take on bright new ideas readily and try to dominate others with their
creativeness and originality. They do not fear risks and like to keep on the
move and to explore new horizons.
8 to 9: Earth = deductive powers, prefers solid & reliable pursuits (color:
yellow) People born under signs influenced by the Earth element are more
concerned with functional and practical aspirations. They have excellent
deductive powers and like solid and reliable pursuits on which to expend their
energy. With their foresight and capacity for organization, they are effective
planners and administrators. They will put whatever resources they find to
optimum use and are wise and prudent in financial affairs as well as holding on
to their own money. They are intelligent and most objective in directing others
toward realizing well-plotted goals.
Therefore, your Chinese year of birth determines your Chinese animal sign as
well as your Chinese cosmic element. If you were born between January 21, 1966
and February 8, 1967 — that is, in the course of a Horse year, which was at the
same time a Fire year — your Chinese animal sign is Horse, and your Chinese
cosmic element is Fire. In other words, you are known as a Fire Horse. Likewise,
anyone born in an Earth Buffalo year is known as an Earth Buffalo. |