Dumpling Sister

Dumpling Sister's Thoughts on Life

10.3.2006  Topic: You and I         (Chinese Version)


You said you are tired, felt that you have no strength to love another person. I see that you are very analytically explaining things, saying that love between lovers is just feeling with emotion, love between family members is feeling with a house, friendship is feeling with help. So i asked you back, what is just feeling. You said feeling is just a simple liking.


It seems that life is like a math equation, we have things we need to attend to, i.e. getting married buy a house, pay bills and raise kids, I need not say more i am sure you understand the implication in my response. When I was still young yet my face showed unmatched maturity, my fear was already very deep. I have thought that life is just a line connecting point A to point B, with some detours in the middle. Until later I have stopped trying to reason with it, though I still have sometimes try.


I see a disappointed you, i wanted to say something, do something, but i can only be speechless.


I felt that life is without choice, growing up is lonely, we are all individual entities. Often times we embrace hope yet get hurt, when the glass ball in ourselves falls on the floor and shatters, the breaking is almost unbearable, wants to cry, so I asked, can you catch up with me. Why is it like that?


When the rain stops we are brave again, trying to do our things. But behind each brave back is a vulnerable self, you and I.







1.7.2007  Winter Melon Mom

1.1.2007  Blue Sky

12.22.2006  Card

12.14.2006  Grandpa

12.08.2006  Returning

11.23.2006  At a Corner

11.18.2006  Taiwan Trip

11.15.2006  Age

11.7.2006  Still Sick

11.4.2006  Getting Sick

10.31.2006  Running

10.22.2006  Grandmother's Jacket

10.13.2006 Is It?

10.6.2006   Mid Autumn

10.3.2006   You and I





About the Author

鍋貼妹妹目前住在非常陽光耀人(註﹕會烤焦人)的德州首府﹐但是三不兩時會跑休士頓﹐為生計為朋友更為中國城好吃的商店 (註﹕我來了﹗)。


平時的重大事情就是看電視吃飯﹐偶而從事不良愛好﹐但絕對是整天掛在電腦上﹐尤其是跟冬瓜媽媽閑聊 ﹐小至吃飯吃什麼大至國家大勢﹐股票上市







