Dumpling Sister

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Dumpling Sister's Thoughts


10.28.2007   Evacuation     (Chinese Version)


I come across an article from CNN, "what to save from a fire?" inspired from the California wild fire. Naturally I am curious so I click to the link to read it. The person who writes it is a reporter who often writes about disaster events, so he has interviewed several Katrina victims, and some say they packed their grandfather's military uniform, some packed a nice bottle of wine, and some packed PS2. According to the article, one should pack a portable TV. That makes sense since news would be readily available and it serves to kill time. If it were me, I would definitely pack cash. But really, if there was only ten minutes to pack, who would really know what to include and what to leave behind? The final suggestion from the article is to update the must-pack list annually and suggested that it could be an interesting exercise to the self.

When the police offer knocks on the front door and says there is only ten minutes to evacuate and leave home, that emotional stress, that hasty footsteps, with the children sounding asleep and the elderly not so sharp in moving, in less than a quarter of an hour, how would one react?


How to evacuate? I am grateful that is something has never come up in my life. I think of how many wars and how many evacuation stories behind those wars. I also think of how many dark nights and how many hungry ones as a result of those wars.


I often hear my grandma tells us stories about how during her younger years, she had to evacuate with others to the safety underground hole. The time was when Taiwan was fighting against the Japanese and she would rush to find the children. She is not a good story teller, so often it would end here. However, I still remember the look on her face when she finishes her sentence, the look that includes scare, and the silence that crosses time and yields in long sighs.


People are still here, the war has ended, with how many evacuees who never return home?


Until now, the (new) war is still going on, how many times the history has repeated itself with bitterness for the mankind?

Maybe one day I will think about what to pack when in a time to evacuate, but more importantly, I am grateful for this is only hypothetical for me, only thankful.

I remember reading an article earlier the day about the firefighters involved in rescuing the California wild fire are mostly exhausted, some on average have not slept in forty hours and some got interviewed said they are not sure when they can get a rest. A time like this is tough on the refugees, but it is even so on the rescuers, which is marked by their hard-earned respect from others. 







10.28.2007   Evacuation

7.12.2007   I Wish

6.10.2007   After

4.22.2007   Sorrow

4.2.2007   The Story About Her

3.20.2007   Traveling South

3.07.2007  Thoughts

2.20.2007  Shanghai

2.4.2007  Belief

1.17.2007  House

1.7.2007  Winter Melon Mom

1.1.2007  Blue Sky

12.22.2006  Card

12.14.2006  Grandpa

12.08.2006  Returning

11.23.2006  At a Corner

11.18.2006  Taiwan Trip

11.15.2006  Age

11.7.2006  Still Sick

11.4.2006  Getting Sick

10.31.2006  Running

10.22.2006  Grandmother's Jacket

10.13.2006 Is It?

10.6.2006   Mid Autumn

10.3.2006   You and I




About the Author

鍋貼妹妹目前住在非常陽光耀人(註﹕會烤焦人)的德州首府﹐但是三不兩時會跑休士頓﹐為生計為朋友更為中國城好吃的商店 (註﹕我來了﹗)。


平時的重大事情就是看電視吃飯﹐偶而從事不良愛好﹐但絕對是整天掛在電腦上﹐尤其是跟冬瓜媽媽閑聊 ﹐小至吃飯吃什麼大至國家大勢﹐股票上市







