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Chinese Recipes » Chinese Egg Rolls

Chinese Egg Rolls Recipe

Yields 12 Egg Rolls
      1 Cup       All-Purpose Flour        1/2 Cup       Water Chestnuts
      2 Cups      Water                            1/2 Cup        Bean Sprouts
      2 Eggs      1/2                                   1 Clove       Garlic, Minced
    1/2 tsp       Salt                                  1/4 Cup       Soy Sauce
      3 Tbls      Peanut Oil                                           Grated Gingerroot
    1/2 Cup     Celery, Chopped Fine   1/2 tsp       Sugar
    3/4 Cup     Cabbage, Shredded         1 Tbls      Flour
      4              Scallions, Chopped          2 Tbls      COLD Water
    1/2 Cup     Shrimp, Diced
    1/2 Cup     Cooked Pork, Diced
Sift the first measure of flour into a bowl. Gradually add the first measure of water to form a thin, smooth batter. Beat in the eggs and salt. Grease a 6" diameter skillet and put over low heat. Beat the batter and pour 1 tablespoon into the pan. Allow to spread over the bottom of the pan to form a thin pancake.

Turn and cook the other side when the pancake begins to pull away from the sides of the pan. Do NOT allow it to brown or become crisp. Remove when done and place on a dish. Cover with a damp cloth until ready to use. Prepare the remaining egg roll shells the same way. Heat the peanut oil in a wok or large heavy skillet. The scallions must be very finely chopped. The water chestnuts must be drained thoroughly and chopped. Remove the shrimp from their shells, dive in and chop. Stir fry the celery, cabbage and scallions for a few moments. Add the chopped shrimp and the chopped, cooked pork and stir fry for 3 minutes. Add the chopped water chestnuts, bean sprouts, garlic, soy sauce, grated gingerroot and sugar and stir fry for 5 more minutes. Remove from heat and allow the filling to cool. Place 4 tablespoons of filling to form a rectangle in the center of each pancake. Fold the pancake envelope style. Heat the fat in a deep fryer to 375 degrees. Fill bottom of skillet with about an inch of oil. Enough to submerge about 1/3 of the egg roll. (You may use a skillet with about fat or oil). Fry until golden brown.

Serve with Chinese hot mustard, soy sauce and/or Oriental Sweet & Sour Sauce.

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